52 | 366 Makers

52 | 366 Makers

"We are born makers. We move what we're learning from our heads to our hearts through our hands." - Brene Brown

It's no secret I call myself a creative. What may be more of a less known truth is that I'm always swimming against the current to show my boys that they are creatives.

I believe that we are ALL creatives. Some with words, some with photographs, some with food, some with art, some with craft, some with music, some with thought, the list can go on and on. What I also believe is that somewhere along the way this truth is quieted and taught to be forgotten.

I don't want them to forget.

Brene Brown writes that "We are born makers, and creativity is the ultimate act of integration - it is how we fold our experiences into our being."

I want them to have a place to discover themselves. I want them to have a place to sort it all out. I want them to KNOW they are and always will be makers. 

He's taken an interest in movie making. He's been using his iPad and iMovie up to now but yesterday I offered my old camera for him to use and I'm going to do my best to nurture this new interest. I want him to be a maker instead of a consumer even if he only makes for the sake of creating. 

Next up, some lessons on respecting your subjects space. A lesson I too am always navigating.


Alright, Alright, Alright

Alright, Alright, Alright

Proof of Life

Proof of Life