A Letter to Myself : It All Counts

A Letter to Myself : It All Counts

When you start beating yourself up for not doing enough know this, it all counts.

You are getting better at being gentle with yourself but you have to keeping making the choice to quiet the mantra of not enough. It’s OK if the practice of memory keeping fell away to the seemingly more urgent. It doesn’t mean you can’t find your way back. This year is all about finding your way back.

Barely three months into living with Story has taught you that somehow, in the midst of not enough it is. It all counts. Every attempt, every intention, every observation counts.

These images are nearly five years apart. If this was all you had would it be enough? If all other attempts at memory keeping were fruitless would these twenty photographs count?

Yes. So much yes. These twenty photographs are everything. They are everything changes and nothing changes. They are you paying attention to your life. They are you five years apart being drawn to the same moments.

This is your story. You are the only one who can tell it. So remember, it all counts.

The images on the left were from my Mothers Day gift in 2015, documenting a day in our life, and the images on the right are from my most recent Day In the Life, February 26th. Thank you Ali for always inviting us to tell our story.

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