100 Days of Summer | 3 of 100

100 Days of Summer | 3 of 100

May 29, 2018

Happy Birthday my sweet, sweet boy. I still feel the same as I did when you turned five.

This morning I was torn up that I couldn't be the Mom that ate lunch with you or brought your birthday treats in person but the thing is that was more about me than you. As we said our goodnights you told me it was a great day. Eight years in and I'm still convinced all my heartache waiting for you manifested itself into good, kind, joyful energy that seeps throughout your spirt. Love you more than words.


100 Days of Summer | 4 of 100

100 Days of Summer | 4 of 100

100 Days of Summer | 2 of 100

100 Days of Summer | 2 of 100